Who Is Johan?

Johan recently started Lighting Rider Electric. Johan West is a seasoned professional with over 5 years of experience in the electrical industry. With a deep passion for delivering top-notch workmanship, Johan consistently goes above and beyond to ensure high-quality electrical installations and impeccable service for his clients.
Driven by a thirst for knowledge, Johan has a natural curiosity that propels him to continuously learn and expand his skill set. He remains up-to-date with the latest industry advancements, ensuring that he stays at the forefront of electrical technology and can provide innovative solutions to his clients.
Beyond his professional pursuits, Johan embraces a vibrant and adventurous lifestyle. He finds solace and joy in the great outdoors, indulging in his favorite hobbies whenever time allows. Fishing, hunting, and dirtbike riding are activities that fuel his sense of adventure and provide a much-needed escape from the demands of everyday life. Exploring the depths of the ocean through diving is another passion that allows Johan to discover the wonders of the underwater world.
Johan West Lightning Rider Electric

Embrace the Lightning Rider Experience: Riding the Currents of Innovation

At Lightning Rider Electric, we believe in pushing boundaries and defying the norm. Our founder Johan West has the goal: to ignite innovation in every project we undertake. We thrive on challenges, turning them into opportunities to showcase our unrivaled creativity and technical prowess.